1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis


How to 11/fi x A ll Kinds of D rinks .

PORT WINE FLIP. (Use large ba r glass.)

I egg.

::.i tablespoonfuls powdered sugar. K glass of shaved ice. 1 wine-glass port wine Use a sh aker in mixing. Strain into a wine-glass. Grate a iittle nutmeg on top. Serve.

SHERRY WINE FLIP. (Use large bar glass.)

U glass shaved ice. I egg. 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. 1U wine-glasses sherry. Shake well; strain into a fancy glass with nutmeg on top. Serve. WHISKY FLIP. (Use large bar glass.) I s prepared same as Brandy Flip, substituting whisky in place of brandy .

GIN AND CALAMUS. (Use whisky glass.)

Steep several small pieces calamus root and place small bits in a bottle of gin until the essence is ex· tracted. To serve, hand out the glass , together with th bottle, allowing the customer to help himself.

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