1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis

How to Nlix A ll Kinds of Drinks.


p·repared by st eeping a bunch of t ansy in a bottle of Holland gin, which extracts the essence. In serving, you simply set the glass , with shaved ice in it , before the customer , allowing him to help him– self from the bottle containing the preparation.

GIN AND WORMWOOD. (Use small bar glass.)

5 or 6 sprigs of wormwood placed in a quart bottle of gin to extract the essence. Place before the customer a small bar glass (dropping a piece of ice therein), and the bottle, allowing him to help him– self. This is a very old drink, used principally in country villages.

JOHN COLLINS' GIN. (Use large bar glass.)

2 teasr -'Onfuls sugar. About 5 dashes lemon juice.

1 wine-glass gin. 5 or 6 bits of ice. 1 bottle plain soda . Mix well, remove the ice, and serve.

GOLDEN SLIPPER. (Use wine-glass.) 14 wine-gl ass yellow Chartreuse. I yolk of an egg. J{ wine~glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies , much ·elished.

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