1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis

How to ~1 i x All Kinds of Drinks.


MAY WINE PUNCH. (Use a la rge punch bowl.)

Take one or two bunches of woodruff, and cut it into small pieces and place it into a large bar glass, and fill up the balance with the best French brandy, cover it up and let it stand for two or three hours , until the essence of the woodruff -is thoroughly ex– tracted; cover the bottom of the bowl with loaf sugar, and pour from 4 to 6 bottles of plain soda over the suga r. Cut up 6 oranges in slices . U pineapple, and sufficient berries and grapes. 8 bottles of Moselle or Rhine wine. r bottle of Veure Clicquot. Then put your woodruff, and brandy, etc., into the bowl, and then stir well, and you will have 2 r-3 to 3 gallons of excellent May Wine Punch; surround the bowl with ice, serve in a wine-glass in such a manner that each customer will get a piece of all of the fruits contained in the punch. PUNCH. Boil a large kettle of strong black coffee, take a large dish and put 4 pounds of sugar into it; then pour 4 bottles of brandy and 2 bottles of Jamaica rum over the sugar, and set it on fire, let the suga r dissolve and drop into the black coffee; stir this well and you will have a good hot punch. BOATING PUNCH. (Use large bar glass.) 2 teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar.

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