1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis


The Coniplete B u ff et Guide , or

~ gill of Jamaica rum. 1 bottle of French brandy. 6 bottles of champagne. 4 bottles of Tokay. 2 bottles of Madeira. 4 bottles of Chateau Margaux.

And mix this well with a ladle, then strain through a sieve into a clean bowl and surround the bowl with ice, and dress the edge with some leaves and fruit and ornament the punch in a fancy manner with grapes, oranges, pineapple and strawberries.

SARATOGA COCKTAIL. (Use small bar glass.) 2 dashes Angostura or Baker's bitters. 3 small lumps of ice:

1 pony of brandy. 1 pony of whisky. 1 pony of vermouth. Shake up well, and then strain into a claret glass and serve with a slice of lemon.

COCKTAIL COFFEE. (Use large bar glass.) 1 teaspoonful of powdered white sugar. 1 fresh egg. 1 large wine-glass of Port wine.

1 pony best brandy. 2 or 3 lumps of ice. Break the egg into the glass, put in the sugar, and lastly the Port wine, brandy and ice.

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