1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis


How to Alix A ll K i nds of Drinks .

:t quarts o f good old b randy. I ~ pints of J ama ica nun. 2 ga llons of good rich milk.


Mix the ingredients well and stir continually while pouring in the milk to prevent it from curdling; then heat the whites of the eggs t o a stiff froth and put this on top; then fill a bar glass with a ladle, put some of the egg froth on top, grate a little nutmeg over it and serve. CHAMPAGNE VELVET. (Use a large-sized goblet.) For this drink a bottle of champagne and a bottle of porter must be used. Fill the glass half full with porter, the balance with champagne. Stir up with a spoon slowly , and y ou have what is called Champagne Velvet.

BOSTON EGG NOGG. (Use a large ba r glass.)

Yolk of an egg. U tablespoonful of powder ed sugar. Add a little nutmeg and cinnamon and beat to .a cream.

~ pony-glass of brandy . r wine-glass of shaved ice. U pony-glass of Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass of Madeira wine.

Fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain into a large bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.

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