1903 The Flowing Bowl by Edward Spencer


the flowing bowl

Rumfustian. Beat up in a large tumbler or jug the yolks of two eggs, with a tablespoonful of sugar j then take half a pint of Burton ale, one wine-glassful of gin, one wine-glassful of sherry, a little spice, and the rind of a quarter of a lemon. Let the ale, wine, and gin, mixed together, come to the boil, then pour into the egg mixture, whisking rapidly j serve hot, with a dash of nutmeg atop. Pope is a compound of burgundy and brandy (not too much brandy, please) with a little sugar added, poured over two Seville oranges, roasted and cut into quarters. The mixture is then boiled and strained. ^ But, personally, I am not partial to this pope, which is even nastier when made with cham pagne. Buirs Milk. Put into a large tumbler one teaspoonful of icing- sugar, with half a pint of milk, one-third of a wine- glassful of rum, and two-thirds of a wine-glassful of brandy ; add crushed ice, shake well, strain into another glass, and dust with cinnamon and nutmeg. Brandy Chainptrelle is another importation from the land of the stars and stripes. _Take a small tumbler and bestow therein one wine-glassful of brandy, six drops of Angostura bitters, a liqueur-glassful of cura9oa, and some crushed ice. Shake well, and strain.

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