1903 The Flowing Bowl by Edward Spencer

SWORN OFF! 233 My remarks on the above are few and simple. It is this very Jesuitical logic which has earned the " prohibitionists " the contempt of all friends of freedom. It is this false and tyrannical doc trine which asserts that " the end justifies the means," which still stinks in the nostrils of the majority of the people's representatives in Parliament. Now for a few hints as to some non-alcoholic beverages. And first of all let it be stated that the thirsty man can do much worse than turn to a teetotal beverage—as long as he avoids the bottled flatulence which is sold, and freely adver tised outside, in pretty nearly every country cottage which can boast of good accommodation for travellers^ and a bicycle shed. The iced fruit-fizzers of Mr. Sainsbury—where the pick- me-ups come from—close to the Lady's Pictoi'ial office, are, to my personal knowledge, freely patronized in summer-time by habitual worshippers at the shrine of Bacchus. Moreover a follower of the sport of kings would rather go without whisky all the afternoon than miss his cup of tea, after business hours. No directions are needed here for the manufacture of tea or coffee. Every housewife has a .way of her own ; and it is as the laws of the Medes and Persians that her way is the only way. Nor need a discussion be entered on as to the respective merits of different brands of cocoa. jd Superior Lemon Squash. Take the juice of eight lemons, and sweeten it, allowing one tablespoonful of sifted sugar to each

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