1903 The Flowing Bowl by Edward Spencer



Chabl'ts Cup. Dissolve four or five lumps of sugar in a quarter of a pint of boiling water, and put it into a bowl with a very thin slice of lemon rind ; let it stand for half an hour, then add a bottle of chablis, a sprig of verbena, a wine-glassful of sherry, and half a pint of water. Mix well, and let the mixture stand for a while, then strain, add a bottle of Seltzer water, a few strawberries or raspberries, and a block of ice. Serve in small glasses. Should you wish to make Red Cup use one pint of port wine instead of white ; and sometimes two glasses of red-currant jelly are added. In other respects, follow the directions already laid down for making Cider Cup ; a little warm water being necessary to dissolve the jelly. Freemason. This sounds a " for'ard " sort of potion :—Put into a bowl one pint of Scotch ale, one pint of mild ale, half a pint of brandy, one pint of sherry, and half a pound of sifted sugar. Mix well together, grate a little nutmeg over the top, and add a block of ice. Mind, I, personally, do not believe in the blending of malt liquor with wine or spirits; and the above reads like a bile-provoker of the most persistent type. But compared with the next recipe—which some of my readers may think should come, for choice, under the heading of " Strange Swallows "—it is harmless indeed.

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