1904 A book of beverages..

& Iced Drinks



ONE quart of Water. One pint of Sugar. Juice of four large or six small Lemons. Boil Water and Sugar together twenty min- utes. Cool and add juice. Soda or Apollinaris may be used in place of the boiled Water. [Mrs. George R. Bliss] Ginger Ale and Grape Juice THREE tablespoonfuls of Grape Juice. Fill the glass with Ginger Ale.

Horse's Neck

ONE bottle of Ginger Ale. Two teaspoonfuls of Sugar. Juice of one Lemon.

Cut the Peel of the Lemon in one thin, long spiral, leaving on knob of stem. Catch this on rim of glass, wind remainder down the glass, and fill. Half Soda may be used if desired. Queen Charlotte's Cocktail TWO tablespoonfuls of Raspberry Syrup. One bottle of Lemon Soda. One cupful of cracked Ice. Shake well, and serve in six glasses.

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