1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen


Use medium size thin glass, into which squeeze the juice of half a lime. Put in one lump of cu t ice, then allow the customer to help himself to Tom gin , or, if he prefers to have you measure it out , put in one jigger ; a fter which fill the glass with selt zer. H OLLAND G IN RICKEY. Same as Tom gin rickey, except use H olland gin in place of T om gin. P LYMOUTH GIN RICKEY. Same as T om gin rickey, except use Plymouth gin in place of Tom gin. SLOE GIN RICKEY. Same as Tom gin rickey, except use sloe gin in place of Tom gin. WHISKY RICKEY. Same as Tom gin rickey, except use whisky in place of T om gin . IRISH WHISKY R ICKEY. Same as T om gin rickey, except use Irish whisky in place of Tom gin. SCOTCH WHISKY RICKEY. Same as Tom gin rickey. except use Scotch whisky in place of Tom gin. BRANDY RICKEY. Same as Tom gin rickey, except use brandy in place of Tom gin. RUM RICKEY. Same as Tom gin rickey, except use rum in place of Tom gin.

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