1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen



Use sroall mixing glass. 2 dashes syrup 1 jigger whisky

Stir aod st~aio into ao old-fashioned champagne bowl or Burgundy glass; at little nutmeg oo top. BRANDY TODDY. Same as whisky toddy, except use brandy io place of whisky. GIN TODDY. Same as whisky toddy, except use T om or Hol– land gin, as p referred, io place of whisky. RUM TODDY. Same as whisky toddy, except use rum in place of whisky. OLD-FASHIONED WHISKY TODDY. U se fancy glass. r lump of cut sugar dampened with water and crushed well with muddler. r jigger whisky r lump of cut ice Stir well anq serve. OLD-FASHIONED BRANDY TODDY. Same as old-fashio?ed whisky toddy, except use brandy in place of whisky. OLD-FASHIONED RUM TODDY. Same as old-fashioned' whisky toddy. except use rum io place of whisky. OLD-FASHIONED GIN TODDY. Same a s old-fa5hioned whisky toddy,except use H olland or Tom gio, as preferred, in place of whisky.

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