1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen



siphon seltzer in place of apollina ris.

G INGER ALE LEMONADE. S ame as apollina ris lemonade, except use do– mestic ginger ale in p lace of apollinaris. SODA L EMONADE. (Called by the E nglish LEMON SQUASH). Use la rge thin glass, in to which sq ueeze one lemon, a dd r table-spoon of powdered sugar r lump of ice HOT L EMONADE. Use medium si ze thin glass, into which squeeze one lemon , add r table-spoon of powdered sugar Fill glass with boiling hot water , s tir well a nd serve. EGG LEMONADE. r table-spoon of p owdered sugar Mash well with muddler, add Small amount of ice One egg Fill glass with water, shake well, and strain into a medium size thin gla ss Serve with a little nutmeg on top if customer desires. LEMONADE may also b e made of LITHIA or VICHY water when desired; and LIMES may be u sed !n place of lemons. ORANGES may also be u sed when desired . r bottle of club soda S tir well and ser ve. U se large mi xing glass One l6mon cut in two

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