1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen


COMBINATION LEMONAD E . U s e la rge mixing g lass, into which p u t

Juice of half 2 lemon, ha lf a lime and half an orange; one tablesp oon of sugar; small amount of fine ice. Fill glass with water ; sh a ke well; s train into large thin glass. E GG PHOSPHATE. Use small mixing glass, into which pu t On e egg; one teaspoonful of s ugar ; small amount of ice; one teaspoon of acid p hosphate. J:iill glass with water; sh ake well; strain into lemonade glass a nd ser ve. M ILK S HAKE. Use small mixing glass, into which put One egg; one tablespoon of suga r; small amount of ice . F ill glass w ith milk ; shake well; strain in to lemonade glass. Put a little n utmeg on top if desired. U se whisky glass, into which p ut One egg; one d ash of sal t and one dash of p ep– per ; the juice of Ji lemon, or a lictle vinega r, and serve. R OCKY MOUNTAI N OYST ER. T his is very good for a weak stomach . (Sometimes called PRAIRIE OYST E R) . OYST ER COCKTAIL . U se la rge wine glass, into which p u t Yz doz. s mall oys ters; one teaspoon tomato cat· sup ; one dash each of \ l\Torces tersh ire sauce, lemon, and tabasco sauce. Season with salt and pepper.

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