1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen

BARKEEPERS' GUIDE. FRAPPES. ABSINT HE FRAPPE, No . x. U se small m ixing glass filled with fi ne ice; a dd x pon y of absin the I dash a nisette Shake well, s tra in into small th in glass, fill glass with seltzer and serve. ABSINTHE FRAPPE, No. 2. Use small mixing glass filled with fine ice; add I pony of a bsin the Shake well, s train into small thin glass : fill glass with ice water. ABSINT H E FRAPPE, No. 3. U se small mixing glass filled with fi ne ice; add 1 pony of wj:iite absinthe T h e wh ite of one egg Shake well and s train into a bu rgundy glass; fill with seltzer. ABSINTHE FRAPPE, No. 4. (This receipt was given to ·me by a member of the celP.brated Clover Club of P hiladelph ia ) T ake long thin glass into which pu t A la rge lump of ice I pon y of absin the Fill glass wi th a bottle of Dela tour soda ; stir well with large spoon and serve. CREME DE MENTH E FRAPPE. Use cla ret or sherry gl.ass filled with fine ice 1 pony of Creme de Menthe, whi te or green as customer prefers. Serve in the ice with s traws. [An y other liqueurs may b e served the same

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