1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen



Use small mixing glass, into which put 2 lumps of sugar, dissolved in little water ~a lemon Mash well with muddler Add small amount of ice I jigger of good brandy Shake well and strain into a small th in glass. Fill with apollinaris wa ter . WHISKY DAISY. Same as brandy d a isy, except u se bourbon or rye whisky in place of brandy. IRISH WHISKY DAISY. Same as brandy daisy, except use Iri sh wh isky in place of bra ndy. SCOTCH WHISKY DAISY. Same as brandy daisy, except use S co tch whisky in place of brandy. RUM DAISY. Same as brandy daisy, except use rum in plac~ of brandy. GIN D AISY . Same as brandy daisy, excep t in place of brandy use gin , whichever kind cus tomer prefers.

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