1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen
,;7COiJ'•lOl01lti- 1V" 'n1lRf'lf t1 1oJllund \UO W(lJ~
of CO~l''ctuv ••• .,fu ~ ·~ •'· 1IC't'U, llht)'WIUK Lhttll ingTOdloo ..:.. ~.:~ wunilLticn•. £bowlni: tbolr com11osltton. 7 fancy bnuor&. 10 fln.l"OrlD6'( Tlno11n.~. fi frlr.tl\T bh.1tflrl:I. ;1() lKOCJ pcHnLO dlsll~r. for wnrnl1Jhln.c. :..'1 ml'irelln.nco11\ rurJt>oa. ''' VJilURblo hlnu t1) coolle nnc.J &townrd1. Dllfl:Al{FA...,T, lnoludlnA frnltn tn ,.cn.~,on, CProa1e, thlt, c:r; \: J rll't.l mo:.tH ( 16); entroor. u.nc.J rul!\COlli1n<>0un (;,~ll; owelNB (:.!dl: e.ius 1~~1); cold lllQnl"I 1101 iitoOL t lV~: hoL brundJS llnd o.Ucoe; c.Jrlnk.11: !peclmon break ta.et ruunuo.:. LL'l'\c.'Dl~UN~. tnulu<11uli( "oup•1 r··n; rel ltthCb: llr.h: lunrhr..11 ontrooH tlb';); lunchoon mcnu1.1. 8LTP PCH, tncludln" VllJ.tCtahlo anln,1~ nud their drce.stnw11 U7): chuttna Ul"h !10rvlco a.net coollor1 (a 1 J); wJno t.Or'l'lco. A 1no· nounclntc 1o.'loM;;f\rJ of cullonry wrm1t Rlvlnf,f 7~U trnn!tlntlone. Tho book h1'f(t~t.1•ookl1.1110. printed on l1non pnpor, Mund ~l_u_"_' l_•o_r_._P_r_tc_o_. poo_~_11n_t_d_. _1_1.___________ Y.\('JlON'H l>CONOMICAL SOUPS ANI> ENTHWKS. CO• tatnu T<"Cl'lPl'J for 0110 bunc1ro
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