1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Suga.r, loaf, 1 lump. Brandy, 1 win eglass. Stir and serve wi th nutmeg on top. Sling, Scotch Whiskey, Hot. Use whisk ey glass. Hot wat er; fi ll glass %, fu ll. Scotch whiskey, l wineglass. Sugar, 1 lump. Lemon peel, 1 piece. Serve with nutmeg on top. Sling, Whiskey, Hot. . Prepare same as Bra ndy Sling, Hot, substituting whiskey for brandy. Sling, Rum, Hot. Prepare same as Brandy Sling, Hot, substituting J amaica rum for bra ndy. Sling, Whiskey, Cold. Use small bar glass. Ice, 2 lumps. Sugar, 1 teaspoonful dissolved in lit– tle water. Whiskey, 1 wineglass. Stir well and serve with nutmeg on top. Smash, Brandy. Use whiskey tumbler. Ice, 1 good size lump. Sugar, 1 teaspoonful dissolved in lit· ti e water. Mint, 3 or 4 sprigs bruised lightly with muddler. Brandy, 1 wineglass. Stir; dash with seltzer a nd servo with spoon in the glass. Smash, Fancy Whiskey. Use large bar glass. Ice, fine; fill glass ¥l full. Sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls. Carbonated water, 1 wineglass. Mint, 3 sprigs pressed.

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