1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
Orange p eel, 1 oz. Proof spirits, 211! gallons. Macerate for 30 cl ays ; press a nd :filter. Bitters, Brandy. Gentian root, '! lbs.
Cardamom seeds, 2 lbs. Cinnamon bark, 1 lb. . Cochin eal, 1,4 lb. Chir eta, 2 lbs.
Bruise all above ingrellients toget her to t he size of grains of wh eat and pou r in 2 gall ons of brandy. T hen 111:.icerate fo r 30 clays and press out a ll t he flui Gentian root, lh lb. Orange p eel, llz lb. Orange apples, l;.J, lb. L emon peel 1 p ul verized, lj. 1 lb. Macer ate 2 weeks; pour in 1 gallon pure spirits;· press; stra in and add a quart of distill ed water. Bitters, Orange. Coriander seed, 1% oz. Orange peel, dried, 1 1 h lb. CarclaUlom seed, 11/: dracbm.
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