1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
Cocktail, Whiskey, to bottle. Bourbon or rye whiskey, 5 gallons. \Vater, 2 gallons. Gum syrup, 1 quart. 'fincture of orange p eel, 2 oz. Tincture of lemon p eel, 1 oz. Tincture of gentian, 1 oz. Tincture of car damoms, 1,6 oz. Mix and color with equal parts of car a mel and solferino. CONCENTRATED FRUIT SYRUPS. How to Make. Syrup, Clove. Quint essence of cloves, 1h t easpoon– ful. Simple syrup, 1 lb . Put in bottle a nd shake well. Syrup of Nectar. Essence of nectar, 1h t easpoonful. Simple syrup, 1 lb. Mix. Syrup, Orange. Tincture of orange peel, 2 oz. Simple syrup, 1 lb. M ix. Syrup, Pineapple. Essence of pineapple, 1 oz. Tarta ric acid, lf2 oz. White syrup, 1 gallon. Mix. Syrup, Plain. Loaf sugar, '6% lbs. Water, 1h gallon. Boil and when dissolved :filter through flannel. Syrup, Raspberry. White syrup, 1 gall on. Essence of raspberry, 1,6 oz.
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