1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Cordiale De Caladon. F enn el seed in coar e powder, V:, oz. Cardan~oms, l4 oz. L emon peel, % lb., chopped.

Aniseed, 1 draclnn. Cloves, 1 1lrachm. Proo:.:' spirits, 2 gallons. Capillaire, 4 pints.


After macerating t he powders and lemon peel in t he spirits for 2 weeks, pi·ess and filter and add the capillairc. Curacoa. Orange peel, 6 oz., chopped. Saffron, 1 drachm. Cinnamon, 1 clrachm. Mace, % dracbm, bruised. Spfrts of wine (14 U. P .), l/1 gallon. · Capillaire, 2 pints. Macerate all together fo r 3 weeks, then strain off the liquor and press out from t he pulp that which remain s in it; t hen mix all the fluid together anu strain through fla nnel. E au D 'Absinthe. Sugar, powder ed, 2 lbs. VVormwood, 33 oz. Spirits of wine, 2% gallons (11 U. P .). After bruising the wormwood;· b er- ries, sugar, root and b ark in a con– ''enient utensil, put them in a jar with a broad orifice a nd pour on the water and spirits. L et t he mixture stand for 30 days, stirring it well every clay; then press and filter. Eau D 'Amis. Dates, 4 oz. Figs, 4 oz. Raisins, 4 01., Juniper b erries, 4 oz. Angelica root, l4 oz. Cinnamon bark, 1 oz. Orange flower water, 4 oz.


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