1904 One hundred and one beverages

$ COBBLER @ PUT in a glass a tablespoonful of sugar, a small piece of cut lemon peel, and one wine- Fill the glass with cracked ice, stir well, and decorate the mixture with a sprig of fresh mint and one strawberry. THE COLONEL'S OWN STIR one pound of sugar with the yolks of one dozen eggs until white and creamy. Pour beating con- stantly, one quart of brandy, which cooks the yolks ; add one quart of cream, one gill of wine, and the beaten whites of half of the eggs. The other half heap in a foamy mass on top, with grated nutmeg. $ PURITAN $ MIX two squares of grated chocolate with a cupful of sugar and one of water, and put into a double boiler and cook until it is a thick syrup. Re- move from the fire, put in a tea- spoonful of vanilla and let it get thoroughly cold. When ready to use put two tablespoonfuls of the chocolate syrup in a glass half full of cracked ice, fill it up with milk and shake vigorously with a metal shaker. Remove and put a table- spoonful of whipped cream on top. glass of Catawba wine. over them slowly,


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