1904 One hundred and one beverages

® HOT EGG-NOG # BEAT the yolks of ten eggs to a cream; add one pound of sugar and blend thoroughly, beating until very light; pour over one quart of boiling milk, stirring well, then add the whites of the eggs which have been beaten to a stiff froth and one pint of the best French cognac. Grate over the top nutmeg and serve hot. $ HOT PINT ® MIX two tablespoonfuls of ale with one well-beaten egg, grate a little nutmeg on top and pour over it a gill of whisky. Sweeten and stir in it two pints of boiling hot ale. Whip, or pour from a height to make frothy, and serve hot. $ MORPHEUS ® BOIL one tablespoonful of ground oatmeal in one-half pint water; when cooked, add a tablespoonful of honey and one of cream; boil up again and add a glass of whisky. Strain and serve hot. ® MULLED WINE ® PUT a quart of Cabernet over the fire to heat; meantime, beat six eggs with six table- spoonfuls of sugar and add a little


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