1904 One hundred and one beverages

$ VIENNA # SCALD three cupfuls of milk. Melt two squares of choco- late in a double boiler, add four tablespoonfuls of sugar and a pinch of salt. When smooth, add the scalded milk and one cupful of clear black coffee ; boil for a moment and serve with whipped cream flavored with a little vanilla. ® WASSAIL ® GORE and roast six apples. Mix a pint of ale with one- half pound of brown sugar, and put in one-half ounce each of ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon. Heat it, stirring constantly, but do not boil. Add two more pints of ale and one-half pint of Malaga and a little lemon peel. Put the roasted apples in last and serve hot with an apple in each cup. $ WHEY # PUT sweet milk on the fire and as soon as it boils add enough white wine to curdle it. Boil up again, when the curds will settle to the bottom. Strain, sweeten to taste and serve hot. WHISKY PUNCH GUT a small ring of lemon rind very thin and rub it with a heaping tablespoonful of sugar to extract the oil. Dis-


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