1904 One hundred and one beverages

$ BEAUFORT $ MAKE a pint of very thin syrup, and when cold, put in it a bunch of fresh- gathered balm, the same of borage, six leaves of lemon verbena, and a half of a cucumber sliced thin. Let these steep in the syrup for two hours. Mix in a freezer em- bedded in ice two bottles of Sau- terne, half a gill of curac^a, the juice of four oranges, half a pint of pineapple syrup, and a quart bottle of German seltzer water. Strain the syrup over this and freeze to a point which will just admit of being poured into glasses. @ DIXIE CIDER $ PARE a large, ripe pineapple, remove the eyes and chop very fine. Put it, with all the juice, in an earthen jar with one pound of sugar and four quarts of cold water and whip up with an egg-beater for five minutes. Put it by the stove for two or three days, until it begins to ferment. Cool and add a freshly pared and grated pineapple, a little more sugar, and serve half- frozen in punch-glasses. ® FRAPPE $ MAKE a syrup of two and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of water, and one whole lemon cut up; cook


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