1904 One hundred and one beverages

® REINE @ MAKE a syrup of a poimd of sugar and a pint of water and pour this boiling hot over the grated rind of three lem- ons, two oranges, a half-dozen cloves, and a stick of cinnamon. Let this stand on the back of the range for several hours, and then strain and put on the ice. When ice cold put in the juice of ten lemons, a teaspoonful of vanilla and a pint of rum. Strain again over a big cube of ice in the punch-bowl. SAUTERNE CUP PEEL the thin rind from half an orange and half a lemon and put it in a half-cupful of pour over it two tablespoonfuls of orange cu- ra9oa, cover and let stand for two hours. Then add a pint of sau- terne, strain and put on the ice. Just before serving put a big lump of ice in the punch-bowl, a few slices of orange, twelve nice, big strawberries and a few mint leaves, and pour over it the punch. The last thing put in one quart of soda or Shasta water. ® STUDIO ® MAKE two quarts of stiff lemonade, and to this add one quart each of Cabernet and angelica; add one tumblerful 69 sugar and work well ;

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