1904 One hundred and one beverages

@ TIGER'S MILK ® TO a quart of milk put in a half- gill each of peach - brandy and apple-jack; sweeten with powdered sugar, and put in two drops each of oil of cloves, cinnamon and orange, and grate a little nutmeg on the top. Beat the white of an egg to a stiff froth, whip it in and serve at once. # WINE SOUP ® SOAK one-half cupful of pearl tapioca in cold water two hours. Drain and add three cupfuls of boiling water, with a half-teaspoonful of salt and a three-inch piece of cinnamon. Let boil three minutes, then cook in a. double boiler until tapioca is trans- parent ; strain and add one pint of claret-wine and half a cupful of powdered sugar. Serve cold in glass with lump of ice. ® ® ®


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