1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney
Imperial Punch.
To make one quart.
One bottle claret. One bottle soda water. Four tablespoonfuls powdered sugar, dissolved in a little of the soda. One-quarter tcaspoonful grated nutmeg. One liquer glass Maraschino. About one-half pound ice. Three slices cucumber rind. Put all ingredients in pitcher and mix well.
Cider Punch.
Half-pint of sherry. One glass of brandy. One bottle of cider. Quarter pound of sugar. One lemon.
Pare the peel of half the lemon very thin; pour the sherry upon it; add the sugar, the juice of the lemon, and the cider, with a little grated nutmeg. Mix well and place it on ice. When cold, add the brandy and a few pieces of cucumber rind. Philadelphia Fish-House Punch. One-third pint lemon juice. Three-quarter pound white sugar, dissolved in sufficient water.
One-half pint Cognac brandy. One-quarter pint peach brandy. One-quarter pint Jamaica rum. Two and a half pints cold water. Ice and serve.
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