1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney
Vanilla Punch.
Use large bar glass. One scant tablcspoonfiil sugar. Two dasiics lemon juice. Two dashes Curacoa.
Fill glass with shaved ice. One-half pony glass hrandy. One and one-half wine-glass vanilla. Mix well with spoon; ornament with fruit, and serve with a straw.
Escapernong Punch. Large mixing glass half full of cracked ice.
Three har spoons powdered sugar. Rhine wine glass Escapernong wine. One-half jigger Cremc de Vanilla. One egg. Dash of brandy.
Fill glass with cream or rich milk; shake well; strain in milk punch glass; sprinkle with nutmeg and cinnamon; serve with straws.
Golden Punch.
Use a launch glass: Half a harspoon of sugar.
Juice of a whole lime. Dissolve with sj'phon. One dash Curacoa. Duhh orange. One drink of straight whiskey. Fill glass with cracked ice, stir well and orna ment with fruit.
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