1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney

PREFACE An attempt has liecn made to make this book one of tile most comprehensive ever published, and that It has been successful a glance between the covers will show. As a guide for the bartender and saloon- man nothing could be more complete, as it contains recipes for all of those drinks which are at present popular with the drinking public, and hundreds of others whioh are more or less useful and liable to be called for at any time. The recipes which are not in this book are hardly worth considering. Not the least important feature is the series of chapters on the buying of a saloon. Its equipmeiu, the employment of help, the duties of a bartender, and a thousand and one hints and suggestions which are bound to be of value to every man in the busi ness, whether he be the man behind the bar, the porter, or the owner. It not only tells you how to run a place, but it tells you how to run it right, as a business man ought to conduct a business house, and what is of great im-


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