1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney


Assume that you intend opening a cafe or saloon, or tliat you intend to move to a new neighborhood, the first and most important thing to be taken into consideration is the location, and that goes without saying. You are opening a place to make money, and no man can be uniformly successful unless he uses his brains. A good location or a busy and populous thoroughfare means half the battle at least, with the understanding, of course, that your place is made attractive and pleasing to the eye. Be sure you are right and then get a long lease, for there is no use in taking chances with a short lease and have your landlord come down on you with a raise in the rent just as you are about begin ning to do well, but yet in no position to stand the increase. So if you have any confidence in your business or yourself avoid the short lease. And another thing, be sure and read your lease over carefully before j'ou sign it, and beware of the clause that will pre-


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