1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney

Brandy Bitters.

Four pounds gentian root. Two pounds cardamom seeds. One pound cinnamon bark. One-fourth pound cochineal. Two pounds chirela.

Bruise all these together to the size of barley corns; then add two gallons of brandy. Macerate for about a month, then press out all the liquid; to the residue add one gallon more brandy (some use plain spirit), and after having allowed it to stand one day, press as before; add the two liquids and filter, when it will ho ready for use. Orange Bitters. One and one-half pounds freshly dried orange peel.

One and one-half ounces coriander seeds. One and one-half drachm caraway seeds. One and one-half drachm cardamom seeds. Six pints rectified spirits (60 O. P.). Three ounces burned sugar. Seven pints syrup. Water, sufficient to make up two gallons.

Steep the seeds and peel in the spirit for fourteen or twenty days, when it must he drained off and re placed by water, which after two days drain off and replace by a second quantity of water. Let the three tinctures thus obtained he mixed together, and first the coloring and then the syrup he added. Thi.s if allowed to remain a short time undisturbed, will become bright; or if wanted for immediate use, may he filtered through fine linen.



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