1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney



Six ounces orange peel, cut small. One drachm cinnamon. One-half drachm mace, bruised. One drachm saffron. One-fourth gallon spirits of wine (14 U. P.). Two pints capillaire. Macerate all together; in about twenty-one days draw off the liquor through a strainer, and press the residue so as to recover any of the liquor it may have retained; mix both liquors, and filter through flannel.

Eau D'Absinthe.

Thirty-three ounces wormwood. Twenty-four ounces refined sugar. Four ounces juniper berries. One-fourth ounce angelica root. One ounce cinnamon bark. Four ounces orange flower water.

Two and one-half gallons spirit of wine(11 U.P.). Bruise the sugar, berries, wormwood, etc., in an iron mortar or other convenient utensil and place them in a wide-mouthed jar, then add the orange water and spirit. Stir them well up every day for a month, then press and filter.


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