1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney

Laundry Breakage Coal Insurance 'J'axes Water tax





Stock (average)


Total $s().r)i) For a business of this character the cash receipts ought to he at least $100 a day, making a net yearly profit of $4,104.20. In the foregoing proposition the question of keepin.g open on Sundays has not been considered, either in the matter of expense or receipts, and the saloonman is not advised to violate the law for the sake of a few dollars more. Rut when there is no Sunday law and it is possible to keep open then the proposition becomes a different one, and the income becomes larger in proportion. Then again, there is the question of location to he taken into consideration. The saloon in a strictly business district would hardly expect to take in S.a on a Sunday, and even in the evening trade would be hardly worth considering. All of these things will have to he figured out carefully for the mere item of a bar with bottles behind it doesn't mean a paying business.


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