1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney
inquire as to his wants. If it is a mixed drink, pre pare it above the counter as expeditiously as possi ble. Do all the work in plain view, for there is nothing to conceal, and do it as it ought to be done, without any attempt at unusual elaboration. Above all things, be neat. See that the glasses are brightly polished and that everything that is used to prepare the drink is per fectly clean. If there is no rush attend to the customer until he has finished drinking and left the bar. Then the bar should be immediately and thor oughly cleaned and it will not have the untidy and sloppy appearance for which too many places arc noted. Also clean the glasses and put them back where they belong, so as to have them ready for the next time they are used. During your daily work don't overlook the bar bench, but keep it neat and in good working order. Too much attention cannot be paid to this part of the saloon and a good bartender can always be told by the way his bench looks. When you are behind the bar don't slouch or bend, over; stand up straight, and hold your head erect. Don't chew tobacco or smoke while on duty. Don't dress loud or wear conspicuous jewelry. Keep your linen always immaculately clean. Don't, under any circumstances, drink with cus tomers while on duty.
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