1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney
RELATIONS OF EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYED Here is soinctliing for the proprietor to consider. If he wants to make his business successful he will from the first get the best help that it is possi ble to obtain, for the better his assistants the more friends he will make and the better he be enabled to conduct his business. Having secured his em ployes, he will pay them well and treat them as they ought to be treated, politely, and, in that way, set them a good example. Don't ignore the people who work for you, for that will be one of the most serious mistakes you can make. Treat them kindly and encourage them to take an interest in your business, for no man can succeed with employes who fail to interest themselves in his interests. He is then carrying dead wood in his pay roll, and he is bound to suffer for it. It is a fact that when the help are not treated right,
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