1906 How to Mix Drinks Compiled Selected and Concocted by G Spaulding and W Rositer

TOASTS To all the states in the Union.-By Harry L. Newton. Condensed cocktails of wit and encomium, which may be served before or during a banquet, by toastmasters and speakers. · These toasts were written especially for this book and are fully protected by copyright ( 1906) by Will Rossiter. Any infringement will be vigorously and persistently prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Pirates, beware ! Hands off! ALABAMA. A health to Alabama is the burden of my "spiel ;" They always give credit to Montgomery, But they seldom give "aught-to-Mobile," ARIZONA. ArizonaJ sweet ma.id of the west, You certainly are a hit ; · Augustus Thomas liked it so well He "made a play for it." ARKANSAS. Raw, raw, raw ! Raw, raw, raw ! Raw, raw, raw ! For Arkansaw ! CALIFORNIA. California's native sons swear by her, Of that there is no doubt ; They say that when you leave old Cal. , "You're only camping out. " COLORADO. Colorado, beautiful land ! I love you, every bit ! I'd tell of your beauty, but I think you've­ heard Our friend 1 1 Pike's Peak" of it. r;r;

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