1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



Gin Smash (on Ice)-. Prepare same as strained Gin Smash, leave on ice, and serve in tho same manner as Gin Julep. Medford Rum Smash. Prepare and serve in the same manner as Brandy Smash No 1, substituting Medford rum for brandy. Whiskey Smash. Mix same as Brandy Smash No 1, using whis– key in place of brandy. Snowball. In a large mixing-glass put one pony brandy or fine whiskey, add one-half tablespoonful fine sugar, one fresh egg, fill the glass half-foll fine ice; shake well, and strain into a long thin punch-glass, fill up with cold imported giµger ale. Stir and serve. _, Apple Brandy Sour. A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add three dashes gum syrup, the juice of one-fourth of a lemon, one jigger apple brandy; mix well, strain into sour-glass, trim with fruit. Brandy Sour. Prepare same as Apple Brandy Sour, substitut– ing'brand.y for apple brandy.

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