1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



Brandy Toddy (Soft). Fill a mixing-glass half-full of fine ice, add half a tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, one jig· ger of brandy, a piece twisted lemon-peel ; mix well with sh aker, strain into sour-glass. Serve. Gin Toddy (Cold). Prepare in the same manner as Cold Brandy Toddy, substituting g in for b~·andy. Gin Toddy (Soft). Mix same as Soft Brandy Toddy, substit uting g in for brandy. Kent~cky Toddy. Dissolve one lump of sugar with a little water in a Briggs H ouse glasi , add one .lump of ice about the size of an egg, one piece twisted lemon peel, one jigger Bourbon whi skey; mix with sm'all barspoon, leave the spoon in the glass, grate a lit– tle nutmeg on top, and ser ve. Southern Toddy. Prepare this the same as Kentucky Toddy, which it is, but is called for by some by the above name.

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