1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



Strawberry Sherbet. Prepare same as raspberry sherbet, using straw- berries in place of raspberries. · Macedoine .No. 1. One-half pint currant juice, one-half pint rasp– berry juice. Use as much water as fruit juice; make the mixture very sweet with fine sugar and freeze. Macedoine No. 2. ,, One-half pint strawberry juice, one-half pint cherry and one-half pint currant juice; sweeten and freeze. Macedoine No. 3. One pint orange juice, one pint pineapple, and one-half pint lemon juice ; sweeten and freeze same as Macedoine No. 1. Macedoine No. 4. One pint plum and one pint grape juice; sweeten and freeze same as the other Macedoines. ' - Orange Sherbet No. 1. Boil three pints of water and one and a half pints fine sugar together for twenty minutes. Add the juice of twenty oranges and one lemon; mix well, s~ain, and freeze.

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