1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



dash Peyschaud bitters, two dash es gum-syrup, one jigger whiskey; serve with a small bar-spoon in the glass. Cider Nectar. A long thin glass half-full fine ice, one and a half jiggers cider, half a jigger brandy, half a jigger shei'ry; a tablespoonful gum-syrup; mix well with ' spoon, fill with seltzer, trim with fruit. Sip with straws. Port Wine Negus. This is simply a hot port. Take one lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass, add one jigger port wine, fill with hot water; mix, grate nutmeg on top. Sherry Wine Negus. Prepare same as Port Wine Negus, using sherry in place of port wine. Orangeade. The juice of half a juicy orange, tbe juice of a quarter of a lemon, half a tablespoonful fine sugar; put in a mixing-glass, fill half-full fine ice, fill with cold .water. Mix well, serve with straws in a long thin glass, trim with fruit. Cafe Parfait. Three lumps of ice in a mixing-glass, add one jigger strong coffee, three jiggers pure cream, half

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