1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD Bachelor Bonnes Bouchees a " zabajone a la Milanaise," and fancy eating it while Enrico sings an impassioned love song from '' II Trova- tore " or " Carmen " ! But of course the two don't go together, so the average person will have to sample either by itself. Take for six persons five yolks of eggs and beat them, with a Dover egg beater until they are thick, adding for each egg one and one-half tea- spoonfuls of powdered sugar. Cook this in a double boiler, beating constantly, until the mixture is light and fluffy. Then add drop by drop one half egg-shell full of Marsala wine for each two eggs. Serve at once in cups or punch glasses. Care should be taken not to cook this until it curdles, or to put in too much wine. It should be of the consistency of whipped cream. NORWE- Superintending the building of an Irriga- GIAN BUT- tion ditch in the Big Horn Basin of Wyo- TERED ming has been a young Norwegian civil engineer, one O. J. Midthun by name, and is an epicure of the deep- est dye, and patrons of the hotel Irma at Cody will not forget the sanguinary struggle between the clerk and the chef — and all because "Mid " inaugurated the cus- tom of cognac with coffee after dinner in Buffalo Bill's big hotel. But this is digressing, for I was about to give " Mid's " recipe for buttered eggs as served in his Norwegian home at high tea, but which may be served as a luncheon dish or a snack after the play. Four new-laid eggs are required, and two ounces of '' Mid " for short. " Mid "



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