1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD The Impecunious Bachelor occasionally to the agonies of a public dining-room with Its poor ventilation, mixed company and hurried serv- These would combine to make a perfect dinner house Is far from perfection. But after all, there is compensation in this state, as in all things. The Impecunious Bachelor has his true and loyal friends, and he can always depend upon them in any emergency. They are his friends for friend- ship's sake, not for what he may possess In worldly goods. And if he is Inclined to be philosophical, he may extract from his dull routine many pleasures that are denied his more fortunate brothers. The Bachelor who earns about $1000 a year, may, if he does a little careful thinking, live comfortably, even luxuriously, if he sets up his Lares and Penates In an unfurnished room and builds for himself therein at least one room of his " house of dreams." Here, his individuality may run riot, and because he is poor is by no means a reason why he should be com- monplace. His one room may be as artistic as he de- sires, and if he is willing to sacrifice a little of his time and thought, the result will soon be in evidence. Its decorations may reflect his tastes, w^hether they be for riding, fishing and hunting, good pictures or athletic He may not be a bachelor from choice; but it is far easier to put money by for the home which he expects to have one day. If he has comfortable bachelor quarters In which to spend his evenings. With his ice. unendurable. And the average dinner of the boarding sports.


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