1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD Bachelor Bonnes Bouchees Let boil up, and after stirring half an hour mix in a tea- spoonful of mustard and one of anchovy. Stir for a few moments before pouring over the chops. SAUCE FI- A pint of rich stock, an ounce of brown NANCIERE thickening, one glass of Madeira, one glass of mushroom ketchup, a pinch of cayenne, and a piece of glaze. Boil the stock well up with the thickening, then add other condiments. Simmer fifteen minutes and add the glaze, straining for use. MOCK is a famous dish, and when the real thing VENISON is " out of season," a man can generally succeed in convincing his friends that he is dodging the game warden if he follows this recipe well: Into the blazer put a heaping teaspoonful of butter and work with a spoon until it creams and foams. Then cut in some thick, rare slices from a w^ell-hung leg of mutton, turn in the hot butter once or twice, season with cay- enne, two tablespoonfuls of currant jelly, a gill of old port, and simmer a few minutes longer. There is nothing better to serve with this than crisp lettuce hearts and plain French dressing. KIDNEYS How would kidneys and- mushrooms go AND with a bottle of Dog's Head for a little MUSH- snack after the play? Have ready six lamb's kidneys, halved and skinned. Half a can of French button mushrooms will also be needed. Put a tablespoonful of butter into the blazer and brown no spoonful of vinegar and a little salt and pepper.

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