1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD Concerning Condiments VINEGAR is best bought bottled, unless one Is sure of getting the finest cider or maple-sugar vinegar made by New England farmers. White-wine vinegar Is also delicious for salads, and this, with the common variety, a bottle of Tarragon vinegar, and a small jug contain- ing vinegar Into which the dregs may be emptied from wine bottles and kept for French dressing, should be found In every cuisine. Many condiments may be dis- pensed with, but oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and mus- tard are the essentials with which a man of moderate means may get on nicely In the preparation of simple


WORCES- is an English relish of world-wide fame. TERSHIRE Essential for a Welsh rabbit and has a SAUCE variety of uses.



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