1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD The Impecunious Bachelor There may be a figured paper in warm crimsons, cool dark blues or sage greens, according to the exposure of the room and its allowance of sunlight, below the plate rail. Above it, plain cartridge paper of the same prevailing shade will make an excellent background for his pictures and other decorations. The floor will also be done over and nicely waxed, and window shades are supposed to be furnished. Also heat and hot and cold water. The gas or electric lights are generally extra and each room provided with a meter. If one has no book case, and there is a corner in the room where bookshelves could be built, a carpenter will, for a comparatively small amount, fashion shelves to fit that particular space and deliver them painted or stained to match the woodwork of the room. He will also make for three or four dollars, a frame for a window seat which the bachelor may upholster himself if he be inclined. If the room has a bay window, the seat would cost a trifle more, but the result would be well worth the expenditure. The bookshelves may be fitted with glass doors, or a simple brass rod upon which a curtain may be hung. Weathered oak, despite the fact that it is so com- monly used now, makes ideal furnishing for bachelor quarters. If he prefers to buy old mahongany, and has the time to attend auction sales, he may pick up great bargains and for a half more gratify his taste for antiques.


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