1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD A Dissertation on Drinks — those are the best drinks that a man can take in this country, or the old country either. And, as a matter of fact, it's next to impossible to get a cocktail that is a cocktail in London or anywhere else on the other side. ** Bottled cocktails? They are a snare and a delu- sion. Perfect cocktails are only made with scrupulous care in measuring the ingredients. A good many men think after a time that they can measure drinks with their eye; but that is what does the mischief, for no man can do that and have his cocktails absolutely uni- form. In mixing cocktails I always use a graduated measuring glass which I invented myself, and in doing that I have earned the reputation of always giving a man the same cocktail he had yesterday, or last week, or a year ago. The most popular drink to-day in New York is the * H. P. W.' cocktail, which was intro- duced by Harry Payne Whitney at the Ardsley Club, and later at his Adirondack camp; and the good fel- lows who were initiated into its seductiveness agreed then and there that it should be christened after their popular host, so here we have it : " '' There's a drink ' on the beam * for you, lady!* —Pratt, Mix carefully in a measuring glass one W."' COCK- part of Italian vermouth and one part of TAIL jj.y Gordon gin. Add the peel of an orange and frappe. the best Irish whisky THE "H. P.


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