1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD Correct Wines for all Occasions was the favorite wine, and nearly ousted Madeira from Its place In English tastes. Gypsum sprinkled over the grapes while In the vat saturate the malic acid and give sherry Its brown color. Amontillado is the finest of sherries, and at Its prime kept In wood for sixteen years. It Is too dry for the taste of common wine drinkers, but Is one of the finest growths In the world. The best Madeiras have no tendency to acidity, and the finest East Indian Madeira Is a wine that has scarcely an equal. Marsala, the favorite wine of Sicily, is excellent; other Sicilian wines are Mazzara, Bronte, and Etna, but Marsala Is more worthy and especially well adapted for cooking, In Italian sauces. The Rhenish wines are the purest and most whole- some wines, say some experts. Most of them come from the banks of the Rhine and Moselle Rivers, In Germany, and the variety Is legion. Genuine German wines have a bouquet like the French, ,whlch Is In Itself a mark of pure growth. The real golden Rhenish wines, such as NIerstelner, Marcobrunner, and Riides- helmer, are famous, while Johannlsberger and Gelssen- helmer are perfect In delicacy and aroma. " Good hoch," the German proverb runs, " keeps off the doc- tor." It enlivens without Inebriating, strengthens and warms the stomach pleasantly. Burgundies are the finest red wines In the world for delicacy, flavor, perfume, richness, and purity. A man 172 sherry that In his day It

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