1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

CHAPTER XIX *'Tlie first thing a poor gentleman calls for of a morning ia a needle and thread." — Scotch "His lordship finds the valet de chambre a necessary evil.' "As a man dresses, so is he esteemed." Happy the man who, having a valet, has no care of his clothes, and *' takes no heed to his raiment " save to be thoroughly up-to-date in every re- spect. The man w^ho knows how to take care of his own clothes is at an ad- vantage; for even though it be not necessary for him to economize, an occasional emergency may arise in which, if he knows just what to do, he may rescue his apparel from cer- tain ruin. As " a stitch in time saves nine," so does prompt attention to a chance stain or splash from the ink bottle save a suit from being spoiled.


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