1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard

rrrr 'Wten I was a bactelor,

lived by


myself. And all the bread and cbeese I bad, I put upon tbe sbelf . — Mother Goose. "Tbe Fate of Nations Depends upon How Tbey Are Fed. " — Brillat-Savarist. In stocking the cupboard there Is much to be considered: whether the bachelor sports his own menage with a cook and butler and valet, or whether he has simply a humble flat which he shares with other men, pre- sided over by a New England spin- ster mald-of-all-work of uncertain age, a capable Chinaman, a joyful " Jap," a " greaser," or a " cullud gen'leman," according to Its locality. Whether it be a single man of means w^hose hotel furnishes him w^Ith a


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