1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard
A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD How to Cleanse Clothes hair brush fails to remove the stain, cut a potato In two and rub the raw surface on the spot. This will generally remove it. ALCOHOL One of the most effectual agents for the AND SALT removal of grease is alcohol and salt in the proportion of four tablespoonfuls of alcohol to one tablespoonful of salt. Mix and shake until the salt is dissolved and apply with a woolen rag. This removes the oil, but if once washed by ordinary methods, the stain will never come out. TO Put powdered French chalk thickly over REMOVE the grease spot. Cover w^Ith a sheet of GREASE brown paper and then set smoothly on the CARPETS P^P^i"? ^ hot flat iron and let remain until cool, when it will be found that the chalk IF OIL ever get on one's handkerchiefs, put them to soak in warm water in which a spoon- STAINS ful of ammonia has been turned. up. The same method may be used in removing grease from clothing, if desired. Many times a grease spot that is thought to have been removed will gather dust and betray itself w^eeks after the original application of cleansing agents. In this case, the spot will generally respond to hot alum water applied with a sponge. Heat a cup of water and in it put sufficient powdered or lump alum to make a strong solution and let get very hot, dissolving the alum before applying. has absorbed all grease. The chalk is easily brushed
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